Portland author Peter Ames Carlin will present a lecture,”Revolving Sounds: How the Beatles and the Beach Boys Created Art-Rock in the 1960s,” on Tuesday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m., in Buckley Center room 163. His talk is free and open to faculty, staff, students, and the public.
Carlin has written critically acclaimed biographies of Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney: A Life, 2010), BrianWilson (Catch A Wave: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson, 2007), and Bruce Springsteen (Bruce, 2012). His talk will contrast the personal and creative stories behind the work of Lennon & McCartney and Beach Boys founder and composer Brian Wilson. Carlin will explore an intriguing paradox: while the Beatles’ creative explosion was fueled by confidence and collaboration, BrianWilson’s creativity grew out of deep-seated fear and a stiffening resistance to his creative impulses, yet both sets of creators were chasing the same ideal and inspiring one another along the way.
The lecture is an off shoot of the honors course in progress,“Beatles, Beach Boys, and God,”led by Brad Franco, History, and Michael Cameron, Theology. For more information contact Cameron at ext. 7369 or cameronm@up.edu.