Alumni Spotlight: Dave Kolar (MBA ’91)

What are you doing now? Currently I am working as Founder & CEO of Portland-based venture-scale startup DINNERSTAR, a technology company connecting restaurants and consumers with the automated “Ultimate Curbside” experience.  This patent-pending mobile-based technology helps restaurants reduce reliance on third-party delivery, opens an emerging and exciting channel of distribution, all at zero cost to…Continue Reading Alumni Spotlight: Dave Kolar (MBA ’91)

Mater Dei Radio highlights new Business & Ethics Series

Thank you @MaterDeiRadio friends for having us on! We are thrilled to be leading the important conversation on #Business and #Ethics. Check out the new series – special “Storytelling” event this Wednesday (July 21, 2021) Check out the interview, here 🔗 – #business#ethics#storytelling#businessandethics#workplaceethics#ethicsintheworkplace#businessethics#ethicschallenges#UPPamplin#BusinessOntheBluff…Continue Reading Mater Dei Radio highlights new Business & Ethics Series