Dr. Mark Meckler

This year for the very first time in twelve years, the Bauccio Lecture Series, presented by the Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, has included, a faculty member from the University of Portland, Dr. Mark Meckler. The lecture series brings together leading visionaries from across the country, to share their views, experiences and inspiring…Continue Reading Dr. Mark Meckler


Top Ten Things to Know Before a Speed Networking Event – By Shane Scoggins ’16  The business world is a highly competitive industry that relies on talent, goals, and the ever increasing bottom line to make the business work. These are concepts that can be taught in school, and hopefully applied later down the road in…Continue Reading TOP 10 LIST FOR SPEED NETWORKING

Prof. Sam Holloway talks about the Influx of Big Money in the Brewing Industry.

Our very own Prof. Sam Holloway talks to the Portland Tribune and explains how the complex world of craft brewing may or may not be affected by the influx of big money. Take a look! “…Holloway has been speaking around the country about the impact of craft breweries. His message? “If you’re a civic leader…Continue Reading Prof. Sam Holloway talks about the Influx of Big Money in the Brewing Industry.