Top 14 of 2014: An Inside Look at Our Business Clubs

As a business student, we have the unique opportunity to enhance our education through involvement with student-led business organizations. The Pamplin School of Business offers 9 opportunities for YOU to get involved, interact and network with students and professionals! Here’s what two of our student leaders have to say about their experience with business clubs:…Continue Reading Top 14 of 2014: An Inside Look at Our Business Clubs

Top 14 of 2014: A Look at the Senior Capstone Class

The senior class has been busy this past year: with classes, extra-curriculars and…consulting? That’s right! As a part of our School of Business curriculum, we have the opportunity to solve real business problems for real organizations through the BUS 400 Senior Capstone class. Bottom line: As a Pamplin School of Business Capstone student, you get…Continue Reading Top 14 of 2014: A Look at the Senior Capstone Class

Top 14 of 2014: Faculty Achievement

Our faculty works hard to make sure we get the best education possible. But, their work goes beyond the classroom. Our faculty strive to make a difference in their fields, and for many, that means achieving the honor of having their work published in an industry journal. This year, Dr. Sam Holloway and Dr. Min…Continue Reading Top 14 of 2014: Faculty Achievement

How To Begin Your Internship Search

Let’s face it: internships are important. Some might say they are vital to landing that first job post-graduation. Research indicated that 95% of employers look at candidate experience as a factor in their hiring decisions. What’s more, 62% of 2013 college graduates had at least one internship experience under their belt before grabbing their diploma….Continue Reading How To Begin Your Internship Search