Christopher Dunnvaille

Christopher Dunnaville grew up in New York, starting at a young age; Dunnaville has held numerous positions while working on Wall Street, including time spent as a National Training Officer with Smith Barney. After retiring from Wall Street, Dunnaville discovered his passion for teaching and mentoring students, especially on Financial Literacy. Colleagues of Dunnaville, describe…Continue Reading Christopher Dunnvaille

Top 14 in 2014: Faculty Consulting

WEIDEN + KENNEDY  During spring and fall 2014,  a team of PSOBA professors, led by Dr. Mark Meckler, engaged Portland’s most prestigious advertising agency, Weiden + Kennedy. W+K has over 600 employees and a global reputation, and sought a business school partner to provide access to the ‘MBA Mindset’ through means other than a traditional MBA….Continue Reading Top 14 in 2014: Faculty Consulting

Top 14 in 2014: Biz Friz Champions

After a three year drought, the Pamplin School of Business reclaimed the Biz Friz, Teach Toss trophy. It was a tight match-up but our savvy business students and Dean Anderson got the job done! Biz Friz is a annual tradition that spans six years and counting. Each spring the graduating seniors from the schools of…Continue Reading Top 14 in 2014: Biz Friz Champions

Top 14 in 2014: Emerald Professorships

The Pamplin School of Business awarded two new Distinguished Professorships, the “Emerald Distinguished Professor of Operations and Technology Management,” to Gary Mitchell and Mike Eom.  The PSOBA Dean’s Advisory Boards in Seattle and Portland both mounted campaigns to raise the funds for these professorships.  The Seattle board raised more money, giving it the naming honors,…Continue Reading Top 14 in 2014: Emerald Professorships

Top 14 in 2014: Remembering Snowpocalypse 2014

Thursday, February 6th 2014 will forever be remembered as Portland’s Winter Storm, or as we called it, Snowpocalypse. Snow and ice hit Portland, dumping anywhere from 1-5 inches throughout the metro area. The flurry led to massive shut downs throughout the city: classes were cancelled (hooray!), communities centers closed and Portland drivers did their best…Continue Reading Top 14 in 2014: Remembering Snowpocalypse 2014