The Most Diverse Class – Cross Cultural Management BUS 511

Diversity and inclusion is the hot topic on many people’s minds. Here at the University of Portland, in the Pamplin School of Business, we are especially proud to say that we have the most diverse faculty and staff on campus. As far as classes go, Dr. Sam Holloway’s class, Cross Cultural Management BUS 511, easily personifies…Continue Reading The Most Diverse Class – Cross Cultural Management BUS 511

Nine Operations and Technology Management Students Receive Scholarships!

We are proud to announce that our Operations and Technology Management Students have won nine scholarships this year! Two graduate students and seven undergraduate students were given this honor. The Society for Information Management (SIM) Portland Chapter President Mr. Pardeep Kumar awarded their Operations  and Technology Management Scholarship Awards to the following undergraduate students, Ashley…Continue Reading Nine Operations and Technology Management Students Receive Scholarships!

Prof. Ian Parkman weighs in on Nike’s pricing strategy changes

“The Business Journal this week first reported the sportswear giant has given retailers permission to advertise 25 percent off Nike products year round. The sportswear giant previously limited how many weeks retailers could offer 25 percent discounts. The shift in minimum advertised price has already started to result in a steady stream of discounts advertised…Continue Reading Prof. Ian Parkman weighs in on Nike’s pricing strategy changes