What do you do for work?
I am the publisher of Tricycle, a nonprofit Buddhist media organization offering an award-winning quarterly print magazine, daily content on tricycle.org, video teachings, live virtual events, podcasts, and more. My team and I focus on audience growth and engagement so that we can advance Tricycle’s mission to make Buddhist teachings and practices available to all.
Why did you choose the Pamplin School of Business (at UP) for your graduate program?
Because I could apply the knowledge gained in the classroom directly to my work at Tricycle. Specifically, classes like Financial Management for the Nonprofit, Metrics for Sustainability, and Strategic Fundraising offered me opportunities to work on class projects that helped me in an immediate and practical way in work projects. A program highlight was when the students in Sam Holloway’s course Strategy and Competition in the Experiential Economy had a final term project to develop customer personas and strategies to reach them for Tricycle. My classmates were helping me with my work, and my work colleagues were helping me with my coursework!

How does your Nonprofit organization help the Portland community?
Tricycle has a global reach, but I can say that Portland has the highest number of Tricycle subscribers per capita of any major American city!
Advice for someone considering a graduate program or certificate?
I would recommend pursuing a graduate program or certificate while also having a real world job or internship that will allow you to explore the concepts you are learning and skills you are gaining in a practical way. While I am sure that you can gain knowledge and build connections as a full time student, I found integrating school and work to be an enriching experience.