What does your Nonprofit do? (Mission) –
Do Good Multnomah journeys side-by-side with Veterans and other underserved communities so that all individuals are seen, supported, and valued while navigating shelter and housing.

Day to day, what this looks like is forming relationships with unhoused folks to better serve them where they’re at on their individual pathway to housing.
What are some of your current initiatives or recent positive Impacts?
We work closely with multiple agencies to provide immediate shelter for our most vulnerable neighbors, and we serve over 600 individuals each night with a safe place to rest.
Most recently, we’re opening a new intentionally designed, trauma-informed shelter in partnership with Multnomah County in the Arbor Lodge neighborhood.
We would love to invite the community to learn about this project at an open house event on April 24th from 4-6pm at 1952 N Lombard St.

You are an alumna! How was that experience?
It was a privilege to attend UP – it’s where I met some of my best friends and allowed me to roll my foundation of service into a career after graduation.
Being able to connect back to the UP community either through alumni networking or program intersections has amplified my own singular experience into a range of positive impacts.
How can the UP business community support you?
Like many others before me, I’m enthusiastic about working to close the gap between the private and nonprofit sector when it comes to growing and sustaining a healthy community.
There’s so much we can do to make progress together! In the short term, I’d invite you to come out and Ruck with us this Memorial Day! We’re starting from the University of Portland campus, and journeying our way through St. Johns and North Portland with fun along the way.

The funds raised will go towards access to mental health supportive services for our Veteran community. More info can be found at dogoodruck.org