Hello! My name is Gilbert Resendez and I am a senior Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management major at the University of Portland. This pas Thursday all UP students got the awesome opportunity to listen to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas speak! Justice Thomas spoke for the University’s annual Red Mass.

Red Mass ProgramDuring the talk Justice Thomas engaged in conversation with professors from the Political Science Department. I was pleasantly surprised with Justice Thomas’ presentation. He was really funny and loved to engage the students in the audience. Justice Thomas seemed very humble and it was easy to tell that he was a man about the journey of life and not the end goal. After several talking points he always made sure to relate the what he was saying back to students. He was full of advice. My favorite piece of advice that Justice Thomas gave the audience was to students when looking for a job post graduation. He said, “Don’t look at the glitter, look at the person you’ll be working for. Work for a person of character. A good person can make a bad job good and a bad person can make a good job bad.”

Overall, I thought hearing Justice Thomas speak was an amazing experience and I’m so thankful that I get to go to a school where we can have opportunities like getting to listen to a Supreme Court Justice speak. I’m so glad that so many UP students took advantage of this experience.

Justice Thomas Speaking with Poli Sci

(Justice Thomas Speaking with Political Science Professors)