“I am most grateful for the community that I’ve been a part of here, especially in Villa Maria Hall.” …Continue Reading Temo Ledua ’16 | Marketing
Temo Ledua ’16 | Marketing

“I am most grateful for the community that I’ve been a part of here, especially in Villa Maria Hall.” …Continue Reading Temo Ledua ’16 | Marketing
“I am most thankful for having parents that are so encouraging of traveling and going abroad to get a global perspective. After studying abroad alone in Australia and now planning a month long post-graduation Europe trip, I can say with confidence I have changed for the better after getting outside the US.” …Continue Reading Claire Moberly ’16 | Operation and Technology Management
“I am most grateful for my OTM professors. I cannot thank them enough for their support and guidance over these past 4 years. They have gone above and beyond not just in the classroom but also by providing so many opportunities to network, participate in extracurricular activities and by just being there to stop by…Continue Reading Madeleine Blood ’16 | Operation and Technology Management
“Some friends I made here at UP, from early days as wide-eyed freshmen to study abroad to as recently as this semester, I know I will have for life. It’s bittersweet to see it come to an end, but I’m excited to see where my next chapter takes me!”…Continue Reading Megan Murray ’16 | Marketing
Top Ten Things to Know Before a Speed Networking Event – By Shane Scoggins ’16 The business world is a highly competitive industry that relies on talent, goals, and the ever increasing bottom line to make the business work. These are concepts that can be taught in school, and hopefully applied later down the road in…Continue Reading TOP 10 LIST FOR SPEED NETWORKING
Dia dhuit! (Pronounced: Dee-a Hoitz; Means: Hello) Alright, alright, I’ll admit it. Gaelic isn’t the prettiest of languages. If you recognize the greeting above, then you were probably born in the Gaeltacht which simply means a part of Ireland that uses Gaelic as their primary spoken language. I had the pleasure this last weekend to…Continue Reading Greetings from Galway!