What are you doing now (as Pamplin Alumni)?

I’m currently the Outreach Manager at Children’s Cancer Hospital Foundation 57357. It is the largest pediatric oncology hospital in the world, in terms of capacity (300 beds). Also, the hospital provides education and training to all healthcare professionals in pediatric oncology, healthcare management, and allied health services such as patient safety, and infection prevention and control.

As the Outreach Manager at CCHE 57357 (Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357), you hold a pivotal role in advancing the hospital’s mission and extending its reach within the community. Your responsibilities encompass a wide range of activities aimed at fostering connections, raising awareness, and mobilizing support for the hospital’s initiatives.

At the heart of your role is community engagement. You serve as a liaison between CCHE 57357 and various stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and corporate partners. Through proactive outreach efforts, you strive to cultivate meaningful relationships that facilitate collaboration and garner support for the hospital’s programs and services. fostering collaborations with international entities and globally renowned institutions. Through strategic partnerships and alliances, you aim to amplify the hospital’s impact, leverage expertise, and access resources on a global scale.

Your responsibilities involve identifying potential international partners, which may include prestigious cancer research centers, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and philanthropic foundations. By cultivating these relationships, you seek to establish collaborative initiatives that advance research, enhance clinical practices, and improve patient outcomes.

Collaborating with internationally renowned institutions offers numerous benefits, including access to cutting-edge research, innovative treatment modalities, and specialized expertise. Your role is to facilitate communication and cooperation between CCHE 57357 and these entities, fostering a spirit of collaboration and knowledge exchange.

In addition to research and clinical collaborations, you work to expand CCHE 57357’s global presence through participation in international conferences, workshops, and symposiums. These platforms provide opportunities to showcase the hospital’s work, share best practices, and forge new partnerships with stakeholders from around the world.

Furthermore, you play a pivotal role in facilitating educational exchanges and training programs between CCHE 57357 and international partners. This may involve hosting visiting scholars, organizing exchange programs for healthcare professionals, and facilitating capacity-building initiatives to enhance pediatric oncology care globally.

By collaborating with international entities and globally renowned institutions, you contribute to CCHE 57357’s mission of providing world-class care to children battling cancer. Through these partnerships, you help to advance the hospital’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and compassionate care, ultimately making a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and families worldwide.

Early on, I identified the need for robust collaboration with both local and international stakeholders. One particularly memorable partnership was with the renowned American University in Cairo. Through persistent team effort, We nurtured this relationship, leading to a collaborative initiative that brought a new perspective to the healthcare management diploma to the AUC candidates and the healthcare market in Egypt.

Project management and implementation were crucial in turning these partnerships into actionable outcomes. I meticulously drafted roadmaps and oversaw the execution of initiatives. One such project involved setting up a new pediatric oncology fellowship program in collaboration with a top-tier medical institution, in the US focusing on 2 subspecialties of pediatric oncology. Coordinating activities, managing timelines, and allocating resources effectively ensured the seamless execution of this initiative, ultimately improving the quality of care we offer.

Every day in my role as Outreach Manager at Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 is filled with the rewarding challenge of building bridges that enhance our ability to care for children battling cancer. Through strategic partnerships, effective negotiation, meticulous project management, and innovative marketing strategies, I am proud to contribute to the ongoing success and sustainability of our hospital.

Why did you select University of Portland’s Pamplin School of Business for your MBA?

Selecting the University of Portland’s Pamplin School of Business for my MBA was a decision shaped by a combination of strategic considerations, personal values, and the need for a supportive environment to facilitate a significant career transition. One of the foremost reasons was the school’s esteemed reputation, underscored by its accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). This accreditation is a testament to the quality and rigor of the program, reassuring me that I would receive an education that meets the highest standards in business education.

Coming from Egypt, I sought a program that would offer me both an outstanding academic experience and a supportive community. The decision was significantly influenced by recommendations from officials and colleagues who were University of Portland alumni. Their positive experiences and successful careers served as a powerful endorsement, encouraging me to follow in their footsteps. These alumni spoke highly of the Pamplin School of Business and the profound impact it had on their professional development.

The location of the university played a significant role in my decision as well. Portland, Oregon, is a city renowned for its vibrant entrepreneurial spirit and innovative business community. This environment offers a wealth of networking opportunities and the chance to engage with a diverse array of industries and professionals. The city’s culture of sustainability and ethical business practices also resonates deeply with my personal values, making it an ideal backdrop for my studies.

The curriculum and specializations offered at the Pamplin School of Business were another compelling factor. The program provides a comprehensive foundation in core business disciplines while also allowing students to specialize in areas such as finance, marketing, and operations. This flexibility is particularly important for me as I am making a career shift from medicine to business. I needed a program that could equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully navigate this transition, and Pamplin’s offerings are perfectly aligned with these needs.

The small class sizes are particularly appealing, as they promise a more personalized learning experience and closer interactions with faculty members who are both accomplished scholars and seasoned industry professionals. This kind of environment is crucial for someone transitioning from a different field, as it allows for tailored support and mentorship.

Moreover, the emphasis on ethical and sustainable business practices at Pamplin aligns perfectly with my own values. In today’s business world, the importance of making decisions that are not only profitable but also socially and environmentally responsible cannot be overstated. The program’s focus on these areas will equip me with the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in my new professional career.

Lastly, the strong and supportive alumni network at the University of Portland is a significant advantage. Connecting with alumni who have navigated similar paths and hearing their success stories has been incredibly inspiring. This network not only provides mentorship opportunities but also opens doors for career advancement and professional growth. The flexibility of the program, including options for part-time and evening classes, ensures that I can balance my studies with my professional commitments, making it a practical choice for a working professional like myself.

Any advice for those considering graduate education?

Embarking on graduate studies in business has been an illuminating journey, one that has not only expanded my academic horizons but has also deeply impacted my personal and professional growth. Through this experience, I’ve found that pursuing advanced education in business has helped me organize my life with greater clarity, prioritize my goals with intentionality, and grasp the significance of the resources available to me, urging me not to squander them.

The structured nature of graduate business programs instills a sense of discipline and organization. Balancing coursework, projects, and extracurricular activities necessitates efficient time management and strategic planning. As I navigated through the demands of my studies, I learned to allocate my time effectively, honing my ability to juggle multiple responsibilities without sacrificing quality or focus. This newfound organization has permeated other aspects of my life, leading to increased productivity and a greater sense of control over my commitments.

Moreover, the process of setting and pursuing academic and professional goals in the context of graduate business education has been invaluable. Through introspection and guidance from mentors and professors, I’ve gained clarity on my aspirations and developed a roadmap to achieve them. Whether it’s advancing in my current career path, transitioning to a new field, or launching my own venture, I now approach my goals with a heightened sense of purpose and direction.

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is the importance of leveraging the resources available to me. Graduate business programs offer an array of resources, from esteemed faculty members and well-equipped libraries to career services and networking opportunities. Recognizing the value of these resources has empowered me to seek guidance, seize opportunities for growth, and forge meaningful connections within the academic and professional spheres. I’ve come to understand that these resources are not merely privileges to be enjoyed passively but are assets to be utilized strategically in pursuit of my goals.

Ultimately, my journey through graduate studies in business has underscored the significance of intentionality and stewardship. Each resource, whether time, knowledge, or networks, is a precious asset that warrants careful management and investment. As I continue on this path, I am committed to maximizing the opportunities afforded to me, not only for my own advancement but also for the greater benefit of those around me. In doing so, I am reminded of the responsibility we bear to make the most of the resources at our disposal and to contribute meaningfully to the world around us.