Can you share a bit of your background ?…What brought you to Journey?
I grew up in Journey Theater, actually, when it started 19 years ago in Vancouver. At the time it was known as, Christian Youth Theater a local branch of a national organization, but has since restructured under the name Journey.
Not only did Journey introduce me to the world of theatrical arts, but it also instilled in me a love for the community relationships to which the discipline lends itself. From Journey I went on to study acting and directing at George Fox University, co-found a nonprofit theater group, and later earn my Master’s degree in Directing and nonprofit management at Boston University. It was in Boston, three years ago, already making plans to move back to the Portland area, that I was made aware that Journey Theater was searching to fill the role of Executive Director. I realized that my training and story had prepared me to return and serve the next generations of kids going through this program. It’s been a hard but rewarding road as I have been back now for three years.

What is Journey Theater’s Mission?
Journey is a Christ-centered theater arts organization that exists to grow youth and their families in character and purpose to be difference-makers in their world. Through after school arts education classes (acting, dancing, singing, stage combat, technical theater, etc.) we forge relationships with and between kids ages 6-18 as we share the love of Jesus and create a space for everyone to belong. We also produce large scale musical theater productions with casts of 30-75 kids, which incorporate parent volunteers and paid staff alike.

What is a memorable experience you have encountered at Journey?
I remember a few years ago, as I was first coming on board and working with my team to put words to our organization’s identity. Who are we? Why do we do what we do? I led a teen acting directing camp, and encountered a 15 year old student who was brand new to the program. On day one, I could tell she was nervous, so I asked her about it. She said, “are all these people Christians? ‘Cause I’m not, and I don’t know if I fit.” I told her that while many kids and families in our program follow Jesus, that was not a requirement to participate, and that I was so glad she was here. Over the course of a few days at camp, I got to watch this girl blossom onstage and off, as other teens reached out and invited her in, as she became more confident to be herself, and as she tried out the vulnerable experience of performing onstage for the first time. By the end of the week, she was smiling, laughing and enjoying her new-found friends. She even volunteered to pray in front of the group by the last day of camp. That is an example of the who and what we hope this program can be for kids and families from all backgrounds.
What next for Journey?
While this nonprofit has existed for nearly 20 years, produced almost 200 shows, and served over 7,500 individual students, this next chapter for us is more about quality than quantity. Newly back to serving just Clark County (after working in Portland and Beaverton for the last decade plus) we have an opportunity to serve kids in deeper (versus wider) ways. For example, we are talking a lot about discipleship and spiritual formation for our participants and our staff. We are also excited to connect and collaborate with local organizations that are doing good work–counselors, trainers and others who work with kids and families–to create a strong referral network for our families. Another focus is our search for a “home” in which to house all our programming, with room to expand. Historically, we have rented this church and that school–whoever is available and big enough to house us–and though we love these long-term relationships, we find the need is greater than we can supply with spatial limitations. So I am eager to see what God brings about in this next chapter for Journey!
Live theater. Changing lives.
For more information on Journey Theater, please visit https://journeytheater.org/