Excavation of the Roman City of Pollèntia

Excavation of the Roman City of Pollèntia

Quintus Caecilius Metellus founded Pollèntia as a strategic Roman outpost on the Balearic Island of Mallorca in 123 BCE. By the third century CE, Pollèntia had become a major urban colonia with an area of about 20 hectares. Infrastructure included housing, a forum...
UP Pollèntia Team sets base camp in Alcúdia!

UP Pollèntia Team sets base camp in Alcúdia!

Team members may be forgiven for some time warp confusion. Not only have we coped with the usual jet lag associated with travel to an island nine time zones from Portland, we move daily between Alcúdia, a medieval walled city in Mallorca, Spain, to the ancient Roman...