Jan Fabre Exhibit in Palma de Mallorca

Jan Fabre Exhibit in Palma de Mallorca

During our visit to Palma de Mallorca on July 15, the University of Barcelona research group, high school students in Archaeo Spain, and the entire UP Pollèntia team made a private tour of the exhibition “Zeno Brains and Oracle Stones” by multimedia artist...
Test Excavation Trench at Ca’n Fanals

Test Excavation Trench at Ca’n Fanals

Monday July 14 saw the beginning of the test excavation of the necropolis buried under the old farm Ca’n Fanals. Rachael and Barcelona workers laid out the pit according to Miguel’s specifications, with the trench situated across the intersection of the...
Mapping the Necropolis in Pol•lèntia

Mapping the Necropolis in Pol•lèntia

Pollèntia Directors Miguel Cao and Esther Chávez gave the UP Team three tasks for Week One of the expedition: 1) survey the old farm Ca’n Fanals, site of the Roman era necropolis, and tie the survey to known control points for the current excavations; 2) create...
Market Day in Alcúdia

Market Day in Alcúdia

Sundays and Tuesdays are the big days for shopping in Alcúdia. Vendors set up just outside the southern and southeastern walls, and stalls run from olives, serrano ham, and fruits & veggies to lacy underwear, pearls, and flip-flops. Food prices in the market are...
Aerial Photography of Pollèntia

Aerial Photography of Pollèntia

Besides providing a cool view of archaeology in action, aerial photography of excavations and, especially, potential excavation sites documents surface anomalies (soil coloration, vegetation patterns, subtle changes in elevation, etc.) indicative of underground...