As your student prepares for finals and plans ahead for the next semester, parents can take a moment to share the importance of making meaningful connections with their professors. This advice may help them become more connected to the UP community and open doors for them that they couldn’t even imagine–both now and in the future. Connecting with faculty is one of the tremendous benefits of your student attending a school with a 12:1 student to faculty ratio, so this should definitely be taken advantage of!
As a current senior, I can easily say that one of the most important factors in my personal growth, as well as my preparedness to begin my career next year, is due to the connection and support of my professors at UP.
Dr. Hillary Merk, a committed professor and mentor in the University of Portland’s School of Education for 12 years, shares some insight to students about the importance of faculty–student connections:
“Professors can help guide you through the college experience by providing advice on which coursework to take to meet your future career goals, how to participate in community activities to help you engage in a variety of experiences, resume development, career advice, etc. A professor can also serve as a professional reference for you once you are at the stage of applying for a job in your field.”
“Additionally, once the student–professor relationships transitions to that of two professionals, the quality and ability of that relationship is dependent on the connection during college. In fact, I have worked side-by-side, or even for, many former students as a substitute teacher in the elementary classroom. I now consider these professionals my colleagues. This professional relationship would not have been possible without the professor–student relationship throughout their college years.”
To form a relationship with their professor that will last beyond the course, Dr. Merk encourages students to get to know their professors outside of the classroom by dropping by during office hours, attending professional events that they know their professors will be involved in, and asking questions.
In my own experience as a student, I have also found reaching out to professors for advice and expertise, event after a student is not longer taking the professor’s course, will help maintain a solid connection and open up new opportunities over the years.
Parents can encourage their student to seek out guidance and support from their professors by stopping by office hours (which each professor identifies on their syllabus) or by sending a quick email with a question, concern, or just to check in. Remember, faculty want students to succeed. Their number one priority is to help students develop their interests and reach their goals as learners, leaders, and professionals. There is no reason for students to be scared or worried about reaching out to them.
As an additional resource, if your student is thinking about their future and next steps after graduation, encourage your student to attend events hosted by STAT (Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow). STAT works closely with the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations, as well as the Career Center, to provide opportunities for current students to connect with UP alumni, hear about their experience transitioning away from The Bluff, and receive practical advice. You can find more information about STAT here. Your student can also keep up to date on events hosted by STAT on Engage with their UP login.

Heidi Parrett ’20 is from Hillsboro, Oregon, and is currently studying elementary education at UP. As the current president of STAT, as well as a student leader within the school of education, she hopes to remain involved with the UP community after graduation. Heidi plans to teach elementary school students in some capacity before returning to school for her graduate degree.