Memories from Galway, Ireland: Malia Kaiser ’25, Spring 2023

Imagine waking up in the morning to sunshine, putting on your short-sleeves, and yet ten minutes down the sidewalk it starts pouring rain with howling winds. Yet as soon as you enter the classroom, the sun is back and the only reminder of the torrential storm is wet streets and soaking pants. Despite complaining about the weather patterns, I learned to be that much more grateful when the sun was out.

My study abroad trip to Galway, Ireland included getting caught in the rain, living with some eccentric housemates, and scrambling to find a pub that would let us in; however, it was all worth it. Exploring Ireland, I got to experience such welcoming locals, never-ending shops and restaurants to explore, and picturesque scenery.

For four months, I had to always remind myself I was in Ireland. It was such a surreal experience and one that I will never forget. I came to love Galway City and the amazing people I met there.