As we finish the first month of fall semester, newer students, in particular, may be experiencing some stress, apprehension or homesickness. This is a time when first-year students realize that college is more difficult than high school, and they may be experiencing lower test scores than what they earned in the past. This is a great time for promoting self-care — and who best to encourage that than parents or trusted loved-ones?
Our conversation starters for September are:
How are you settling in so far?
Tell me about the food on campus? Are you eating alone or with others?
Where are you spending your time outside of the classroom?
Tell me about your classes? Are they what you expected? What are you learning?
Have you checked your grades in Self Serve?
Have you joined any student groups or clubs?
How are you working through roommate/housemate issues?
Remind your student that their roommates or house-mates do not always have to be their best friends and that these relationships are more successful when built on mutual respect, clear communication and compromise.