Housing Application Tips for First-Year Students

The priority on-campus housing sign-up deadline is June 10. Students may sign up for housing after this date, but may not have the same chances for their securing a room among their first choices of residence halls.

Housing assignments will be sent to the student’s UP email account in early July.

Please make sure to drag and drop ALL of your preferred residence hall choices from the left side column into the right side column in the order of your preference. It is important that you do not just select one or two favorite options. If those favorites are already full when the placement process gets to your application, you will be placed in a residence hall that has availability. By dragging and dropping ALL of your choices, you have more control over your placement. Please note that the co-ed halls are the most frequently selected top-choice residence halls. This means that some students may not be assigned a room in one of their top residence hall choices.

The Office of Residence Life is happy to accommodate any specific roommate requests from incoming students. Students can register these requests using the “my roommate profile,” “roommate search,” and “roommate groups” functions in eRezLife. All parties who wish to live together must register these requests in order to be placed together.

Answer all the questions on the application form honestly. These questions are designed to help you find a roommate who has similar preferences and habits as you do. For example, whether you prefer a tidy or messy living space, or if you are an early riser or not. Answering truthfully will help match you with a compatible roommate and avoid potential conflicts regarding your shared living space. Remember, your ‘home away from home’ should be a comfortable and welcoming environment.

The Office of Residence Life is open all summer and can be reached at reslife@up.edu Monday through Thursday from 8:30 to 4:30 and summer Fridays from 8:30 to 1:00 p.m.

We can’t wait to welcome you to campus!

Top 5 steps for parents/supporters to take this month:

  1. Let your young adult take the wheel: As your student prepares for college, encourage them to manage their own college experience but help them problem solve from the sidelines as they navigate this important period of transition. This is a great time for them to take initiative and for parents to support them by giving them space to problem-solve and advocate for themselves. Over the next few months, encourage your student to regularly check their new UP email account, as they’ll be receiving important information throughout the summer, and for the next four years!
  2. Remind your student to complete their Registration and Advisory survey that was sent to them by Brenagh Sanford from firstyear@up.edu. This survey assists Program Counselors with building the best class schedule possible for students based on their responses to questions about their academic experience, academic interests, worries about the coming transition. The survey responses are also shared with relevant campus partners to help connect students with extra-curricular opportunities on campus, and ways they can get involved.
  3. Work with your student to establish Parent Proxy access: This page will provide a definition of FERPA-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, proxy instructions for students and parents, and FAQs.  In a nutshell, Parent Proxy access grants parents permission to view a student’s grades or tuition invoices via the UP Self Serve portal. Students must initiate the process of granting Proxy access.
  4. Ensure that your student registers for on-campus housing at up.erezlife.com. The priority housing sign-up deadline is June 10. Housing assignments will be emailed to your student’s UP email address in early July.
  5. Visit UP’s Shepard Academic Resource Center’s New Student Page to familiarize yourself with campus resources and information about registration, campus life, financial matters, and FAQs.

Any questions can be directed to parents@up.edu.

UP’s Outdoor Pursuits Pre-Orientation Adventure – August 20-22, 2024

The Outdoor Pursuits Pre-Orientation Adventure is an adventure to the coast of Oregon- featuring a hiking at Oregon’s iconic Cannon Beach, paddle-boarding, kayaking, camping at Nehalem falls, s’mores under the stars, and more!

The cost is $120, which includes all transportation, food, equipment, sleeping bag, towel, and equipment instruction. Students will be able to drop their belongings into their assigned residence hall room prior to leaving campus.

SPACE IS LIMITED: Register at recservices.up.edu or by calling 503-943-8748 with a card number during business hours, Monday through Friday.