Safety Tips for Off-Campus Students

These links and resources offer a closer look at the support students have with regard to safety off campus and to provide resources for renters in the Portland area.

We encourage you to have a chat with your student about personal safety and common courtesies for students living on their own, especially if it’s their first experience living in their own place!

Top Ten Safety Tips for Off-Campus Students

General Safety Resources

Safety and Crime Prevention

Being A Good Neighbor

Utilities and Services

Tenant Rights in Oregon

Study Abroad reflection from Marco Bruno, Salzburg Spring 2023

“Living abroad was challenging because you are far away from your family and if you do not speak the native language, you could come across some language barriers and have some trouble fitting in with the locals but as time goes by, you are able to adjust and overcome these obstacles.”

More information about the September 20 Parents as Partners webinar on Study Abroad will be shared next month.

Here are more photos from our students who participated in Study Abroad during Spring 2023:

August 2023 Parents as Partners Webinars:

Please click on the following links for registration and details about each session:

Wednesday, August 9 at 5:30 pm: (registration closes at noon on August 9) 
Student Health & Wellness

Thursday, August 10 from Noon to 1:00 pm: (registration closes at 9am)
 – First-Year Student Transitions

Thursday, August 17 at 5:00 pm: (registration closes at noon on August 17)
 – Life on Campus

Zoom links will be emailed a few hours prior to each event.

More webinars coming your way during Fall semester!