Academic Support Resources for Spring 2021

It is a new year, which means a new semester and a new opportunity for your student to invest in their education and excel in their studies. While not comprehensive, we’ve compiled a short list of resources which would be helpful to remind your student of as they begin a new set of courses. It’s never too late (or too early) for students to get a head start and set themselves up for success, which is especially important in the virtual learning environment.

Here are some suggestions on what your student can do:

  • Take advantage of peer-assisted learning support through the Learning Commons.
  • Visit professors during “office hours” and develop a relationship with them. Contact information and information about virtual office hours will be spelled out in their course syllabus.
  • Check out the various tools available through the Shepard Academic Resource Center’s Academic Toolkit.
  • Utilize the knowledge and guidance of UP’s advising staff. Associate Deans and Program Counselors want to hear from students and can help mentor them, whether it is in addressing academic issues or offering suggestions on how they can enhance their academic experience.