The classic timepiece with hour and minute-hand worn around the wrist has all but disappeared. Replaced by multi-function cell phones, activity trackers, and smart watches that not only tell time but record steps, spent calories, heart-rate, and more. And while subjective-time differs according to setting and activity (crushing a weight machine in the Beauchamp or walking the mind through a series of axioms in Calculus), on the UP campus, standard, objective, shared time is announced by the digital reader board at the corner of the Chiles Center, by the six-foot clock adorning the new Dundon-Berchtold Hall, and the resonant notes of the Bell Tower carillon standing proud beside the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. With fourteen bells — each named and baptized and with its own distinct musical voice– The Bell Tower chimes the hour and quarter-hours from 9 to 9 and sounds a call to prayer for Sunday and the daily noon Masses. Observing a ten-year anniversary, dedicated September 18, 2009, the Bell Tower is our tallest structure at 106 ft.; a landmark at a crossroads where faith, academics, and student life intersect.
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