A University campus is a space set apart, consecrated — classroom and quadrangle — space for mind and spirit to soar. At UP, each residence hall has additional space set apart for a student chapel as an anchor or sanctuary for private prayer and reflection and hall Mass liturgies.
The Chapel of Christ the Teacher squares the Academic Quadrangle, flanked between the Commons for food, Buckley Center for classes. Feeding body, spirit, mind on the Bluff. Designed by Oregon architect Pietro Belluschi, with wood carvings by Oregon artists LeRoy Setziol (doors, posts, lintels), the Chapel is a cool building with Oregon textures, a place of quiet and reflection within.

Dedicated October 5, 1986, the 2001 brochure notes: “The Chapel of Christ the Teacher is the University’s mission encapsulated: a space for teaching and learning, for prayer and spiritual journey, and for service to others – which, of course, is active prayer.”

Where is the Christ the Teacher tapestry, that used to hang in the chapel, now housed?
The Christ the Teacher tapestry was moved to Franz Hall where it resided for a period of time. Where it went after Franz Hall is unknown.