We use the words Family and Community easily and often as campus descriptors: our mission-goals and our values point directly to the people of UP belonging-together. The annual Parents & Family Weekends have a long history going back to Campus Day picnics in the 1930s, with the current manifestation tracing back to 1973, or 1990, or the 2019-2020 academic year when we doubled the opportunity, inviting Families to campus for November and February weekends.
But putting the question of origins aside: after a long, unplanned hiatus lasting 734 days, Family Weekend returned to the Bluff over the weekend of 18-20 February 2022. Hosted by the office of Alumni and Parent Relations First-Year & Sophomore Family Weekend was the first big event for UP families since the start of the pandemic.
Pilot families participated in campus tours, academic showcases and residence hall open houses, attended concerts (jazz, choir, orchestra), Comedy Sportz and trivia nights, watched baseball and basketball, a stage-drama, and more. Smiles from all were evident, even from behind face masks.
The University Museum was invited and presented a colorful Pilot-spirited and academic memorabilia and photographs display in the Bauccio Commons on Saturday and Sunday for the Academic Presentations and Continental Breakfast.
Over 875 in attendance contributing to campus life throughout the weekend.
Parents Weekend Program Cover, 1973; Parents & Family Weekend, 1990; Junior & Senior, First-year & Sophomore Family Weekends, 2019-2020
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