One of the University of Portland’s hidden gems — though actually on full-display through the foyer windows of the Beauchamp Recreation and Wellness Center — is the Rock-Climbing wall. An oddity to be sure, this outdoor activity which is glassed-in behind walls. Nonetheless, the Wall is one of the unqualified fitness challenges on the current campus.
But that is not all. This month — and outside for the amazing fall weather (fingers-crossed) — the staff and faculty Walktober (2nd annual) has over 160 registered work-out partners consolidating friendships under the sponsorship of Human Resources promoting the friendly rivalry of Health & Wellness.
Not a fitness program, but oriented towards wellness, there is more to the Walktober activity than circling the Franz river campus and counting-steps climbing back to the upper campus.
Which brings us to a twenty-five year ‘throw-back’ and the dedication of the nine-station, perimeter enclosing walk & stretch fitness course that dotted campus from 1979-1989.

The Parcourse (a commercial name) was the joint gift of the Class of ’78 and UP Guam families and alumni. The organizer, fulcrum-person, impresario was Peter Sgro ’81, ASUP Senator in ’78-’79, ASUP President ’80-’81. We don’t have a firm terminal date when the course was removed, but the only possible remnant is a chin-up station by the Sequoias near the Pilot House on the edge of Pru Pitch (Prusynski Field).
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