At the end of the 2019-20 academic year, nine members of the University of Portland faculty will retire after many years of service to this institution and making a difference in the lives of untold numbers of students. The University gives thanks to our retiring faculty for their dedication and commitment to teaching and learning and wishes them all the best.
Dr. Robert J. Albright, Professor of Electrical Engineering, at UP since 1970
Dr. Robin D. Anderson, Dean of Pamplin School of Business and Franz Endowed Professor of Entrepreneurship, at UP since 1998
Dr. James B. Carroll, Professor of Education, at UP since 1994
Dr. Willoughby Deming, Professor of Theology, at UP since 1992
Dr. Mark Eifler, Associate Professor of History, at UP since 2000
Dr. Richard Gritta, Professor of Business, at UP since 1976
Dr. Pamela Potter, Associate Professor of Nursing, at UP since 2007
Frances Simmons, Instructor, School of Nursing, at UP since 1989
Dr. Thomas G. Greene, Provost and Professor of Education, at UP since 1983
(Photos from the University Archives, School of Nursing, School of Education, Pamplin School of Business, Marketing & Communications; Click on image to enlarge)
This is lovely. So many gifts here.