At the end of the 2015-16 academic year, six members of the University of Portland faculty will retire after many years of service to this institution, making a difference in the lives of untold number of students. The University gives thanks to our retiring faculty for their dedication and commitment to teaching and learning and wishes them all the best.
Dr. Robert Butler, Environmental Science, at UP since 2004
Dr. Howard Feldman, Business Administration, at UP since 1991
Ms. Drew Harrington, Dean of the Library, at UP since 2006
Rev. Thomas Hosinski, C.S.C., Theology, at UP since 1978
Dr. Lawrence Lewis, Business Administration, at UP since 2001
Dr. James Seal, Business Administration, at UP since 1977
(Click on image to enlarge photo)
Dr Seal, Dr Lewis, Dr Feldman and Fr Hosinski, thank you for all being formative parts of my education. Dr Seal, I don’t know a student who didn’t adore your class. Dr Lewis, you were my mentor when I came back as an adjunct, Dr Feldman, you (fairly) called me out when I didn’t properly prepare for class, Fr Hosinski, I loved your science and religion class and that Holy Thursday was your mass. Thank you!