2019 was filled with many memorable musical moments. We had hundreds of Old Town Road remixes, we had Kanye become a Christian rap artist, we had the release of Peppa Pigs debut album… Amongst all of the commotion, there is always one thing that will have us talking at the end of the year: Spotify Wrapped. Some were surprised, some were not. Some were embarrassed, and some even denied their number one pick. The truth of the matter is that it’s all in the numbers! Here is a list of our staff’s #1 most listened to artists of 2019!!
Jackie: Arcade Fire
Adam : Blood Orange
Megan: Hippocampus
Allison & Natalie: The Beatles
Kaitlin: Wolfie’s Just Fine
Cam: Neil Frances
Kevin: Title Fight
Conroy: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Sam: Built to Spill
Nico: Ezra Furman