By Meg Bender-Stephanski

Thythy is an artist from Portland, OR. She has released an EP, Lover Girl, and is working toward
releasing her first full album in the next 6 months. I conducted this interview over email with
her recently as our schedules conflicted too much for us to meet in person. You can find her
on Instagram or twitter. You can find her music on Spotify or Apple Music.

Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest music inspirations are Amy Winehouse, Lauryn Hill, and Christina Aguilera. They are all strong women with amazing voices who are unapologetic about who they are.

How did you get into music/Who got you into music?
I got into music as a kid. My dad was a musician and my parents loved watching live performances. I was always drawn to singing because I liked making different sounds with my voice. When I learned that people did that for a living I was amazed.

What is it like being more of an R&B artist in a town like Portland where many groups and artists are more indie or alternative?
If it were up to me, I wouldn’t label myself as an R&B artist, though I do think that my R&B influence is the most apparent in my work. It’s fun feeling a bit unique in Portland for that reason, but I am letting my alternative influence take over a little bit more for my next project.       

Where are some of your favorite places to perform live?
I have yet to do many live performances. I am still learning to come out of my shell. The songs on my next album are songs that I feel are worthy of a show; I wrote this next project with shows in mind, so I am excited to perform when the time comes.

What’s your favorite song you’ve written?
My favorite song I’ve written that has been released is Love Fiend. I feel that the style and empowerment that is in the song reminds me of the fire that I had when I was writing songs as an angsty teenager.

What does your writing and recording process look like? How hands on are you?
My writing process is pretty natural. I write when I feel inspired and I rarely force that process. There are many days where I am itching to write so I’ll give myself a writing prompt but those don’t typically become songs. 

What’s your main source of inspiration in writing songs?
My main source of inspiration is my own life. I live a very crazy life so I always have a lot of material to be inspired by. Love is my muse, but so is heartbreak. I have been more open about talking about my mental health in my songs as well and that has been a great inspiration for me lately.

What drives you to make music?
My drive for making music is knowing that I can write a song well enough for someone out there to connect to. I know the feeling I get when I hear a song that was written just for me. I want other people to have that same experience when listening to my music.

What’s your favorite part about making music?
My favorite part about making music is having a tangible moment of life recorded for me to listen to later. Songs, in general, are like little time machines, and making my own allows me to revisit the past when I’m feeling nostalgic.

What’s been your favorite experience since your tweet going viral?
My favorite experience since having my tweet go viral was being able to see the type of people my music is reaching. I have formed so many special bonds with my fans and I am thrilled about the kind-spirited people that I have been able to attract with my work.

What do you hope to be doing next year? In 5 years?
In 5 years, I hope to have at least 3 albums out. I want my music to stay indie because I want the art to always be authentic. Hopefully, I will have completed a tour or two by then, so I can meet all my fans. 

Who are some of your favorite artists right now? What are some of your favorite songs right now?
My favorite artists right now are The Beatles. I just started listening to them this year and it’s a shame that I never thought I was cool enough to listen to them until now. Their music is just undeniably good, but each song is very unique. They just did what they wanted to do and that’s all I could ever wish for in being an artist.