Behind the Mic: Elijah and Jo


A typical human mouth has 32 teeth. One could deduce, using the knowledge that UP has so instilled in us, that between two human mouths 64 teeth will reside. However, when Jo Green and Elijah Ballantyne also known as DJ Jonut and DJ Vaguely Ethnic, have their show every Tuesday at nine, 58 teeth takes up residence in the KDUP studio. With a variety show self described as “a homage to formative period of out millennial lives looking back at the early 2000s, our experience, and existence,” 58 Teeth offers listeners a new theme every week to take you back to the days of childhood euphoria. We sat down with Elijah and Jo, mostly because they’re awesome people with great banter, but also to get the lo-down on their show. Here’s what they had to say for themselves:

Jackie: How would you describe your show?

Elijah: Basically if you took a jar of nostalgia and some how refined that into music you could put that on air. Maybe you could make it into a vase and put flowers in it.

Jo: The past few weeks we’ve been having themes. Our first theme was nostalgia, our second theme was towards the Iowa caucus, the third theme was the pushy power shower (pussy power hour), fourth one was the sad boy tissue extravaganza (Sad Mountain Goats, Elliot Smith, Stephen Keller’s favorites), the fourth was on a homage to our parents

Jackie: What made you decide you wanted to do this show?

Jo: Elijah had a show last semester and he just asked me if I wanted to do the show with him next semester

Elijah: I felt like I reached the pinnacle of artistic creation that I could put forth through a single human being, wanted to expand upon that to incorporate the experience of a different person. It’s as if I was one color, and Jo was another color, I just wanted to throw those two colors together and create a lot more bright colors

Jo: Yeah! I’m Jo Green and He’s Elijah Blue

Jackie: What is the first album from your childhood that really sticks out in your mind when you think back?

Jo: Dream Street’s self-titled album, Pink’s Misunderstood. When I was 5 years old I went to see INSC on their No Strings Attached tour in Madison Square Garden and Pink opened. It was life changing.

Elijah: Throughout my childhood we drove to Seattle once a month, and the only thing that would calm me down on the drive was my mom singing the cranberries to me in the car.

Jackie: Is there anyone coming to Portland that you’re really excited about?


Elijah: Yeah, we’re seeing STRFKR tonight! I’m also planning on seeing Michael Hurley, who is this progressively aging folk artist, and Frankie Cosmos.

Jackie: What’s some of the earliest books or magazines you remember being into?

Elijah: I used to ascribed to International Fish Weekly, bread fish in basement, different live bearing source like sward fish

Jo: The Charlie Bone series…I thought I was very counter culture by reading Charlie Bone instead of Harry Potter.

Jackie: Are you planning on attending any music festivals this year?

Elijah: I don’t have money.

Jo: I usually go to Made in America at the end of every summer in Philly; I’ll probably go to Afro Punk.

Elijah: On a scale of one to ten I don’t have money.

Jackie: What’s your favorite restaurant in Portland?

Elijah: You’re going to say Luc Lac

Jo: Oh yeah I totally am going to say Luc Lac, although what about Proper Eats. Actually, I am not above saying Sizzle Pie. I love Sizzle Pie.

Elijah: I may be biased because I used to work there, but I think I have to say Lovely 50/50. Best pizza and ice cream in the city

Jackie: What is the best thing about having a co-host?

Elijah: It allows you to slack off a little bit here and there

Jo: and banter, don’t forget banter

Elijah: Yes to banter. I’m going to have to say it’s nice having someone in the room with you, it can get a little lonely and cold in there.

Jackie: What’s your Music influence as of late, i.e. what is the band you are listening to constantly:

Jo: I’m actually listening to a lot of A$AP Rocky. For the past couple of days that’s all I’ve been listening to.

Elijah: The Mountain goats are a constant for me, which it’s fantastic because there is so much to dig through

Jo: We’re listening to an eclectic mix right now.

Elijah: Built to Spill, the Halo Benders

Jo: I’m always listening to Childish
Gambino. I’ve been listening to a lot of Sheryl Crow lately too.

Jackie: Is there one song that you think everyone should go listen to right this very second?

Jo: Really Love by D’angelo

Elijah: Don’t be upset by Jeffery Lewis

Jo and Elijah: Bump and Grind by R. Kelly

Jackie: Lastly—do you have anything you’re dying to say?

Elijah: Do your homework; call your mother.


Be sure to tune into 58 Teeth with Jo and Elijah every Tuesday from 9 to 10.