Inspired by a post on web developer Kronda Adair’s blog, I thought it would be fun to tell my own nerd story. Fun, but also revealing on a number of levels. I think it’s a story playing out every day in many STEM/STEAM focused classrooms and other spaces in the current teach-your-child-to-code United States. I… Read More
A few days ago, a faculty member I’m working with expressed her concern about producing online training materials that were just as boring and uncreative as a lot of the training she’d already seen especially webinars of people reading power points. She felt a sense of inevitability as if anything online and instructional was synonymous… Read More
Count me among the thousands who have started a MOOC but have not completed a MOOC. I’m kicking off an official series on this blog as a sort of cautionary tale. Much like TV producers need to devote lots of time and resources to keeping, finding, building and satisfying an audience so do we as… Read More