The Klamath Opportunity – Health Rivers Healthy Communities (10:18)

by: Thomas B. Dunklin Multiple perspectives on why the Klamath Dams need to be removed. They are obsolete. They are poisoning the river, the fish, and the humans downstream. This piece was commissioned by American Rivers to share with decision makers that this is a “no brainer.” Its time to remove the Klamath dams….Continue Reading The Klamath Opportunity – Health Rivers Healthy Communities (10:18)

Restoring the Balance – Klamath Dam Removal Agreements (20:40)

by: Thomas B. Dunklin An overview of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) and the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA), from the perspective of the Yurok Tribe. These historic and controversial agreements set the stage for the largest dam removal effort in world history. This video attempts to clarify some of the issues. The Yurok Tribe is…Continue Reading Restoring the Balance – Klamath Dam Removal Agreements (20:40)