Discovery of the Ozone Hole (2:38)

Jonathan Shanklin, Meteorologist at the British Antarctic Survey, was one of the team that discovered the ozone hole in 1985. In this video, Jonathan reveals how this significant discovery was made and talks about the effectiveness of an international treaty, the Montreal Protocol, which places strict controls on ozone-destroying substances….Continue Reading Discovery of the Ozone Hole (2:38)

NASA Exploring Ozone (2:20)

This short video combines dynamic ozone visualizations with an interview with leading atmospheric NASA scientist, Dr. Paul Newman. Dr. Newman explains why ozone is important, he cites the ingredients that cause an ozone hole to form, and he remarks on the future of the ozone, pointing to exciting new areas of ozone research, including the…Continue Reading NASA Exploring Ozone (2:20)

Evolution of the Southern Hemisphere Ozone Hole (5:40)

The computerized color images of the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) showed the ozone distribution and levels in the Earth’s southern hemisphere from August 1979 to December 1991 in this video. The annual variations were presented in a monthly format and the ozone levels were measured in Dobson units….Continue Reading Evolution of the Southern Hemisphere Ozone Hole (5:40)