Maude Barlow Water Lecture at University of Portland (1:30:00)

Barlow, the keynote speaker of University of Portland’s 2010 water conference, discusses the myth of abundance and assesses the current state of the water crisis. A Pulse of Where the World Is: Parts 1-11…Continue Reading Maude Barlow Water Lecture at University of Portland (1:30:00)

Climate Change is a Moral Issue – Archbishop’s Message to Bali (10:00)

Archbishop Rowan establishes a moral basis for climate change in his address to London and Bali. He explains that failing to address climate change robs the poor and most vulnerable generations to live in a sustainable, viable world of the future. The more we see the created order simply in creation to our own wants…Continue Reading Climate Change is a Moral Issue – Archbishop’s Message to Bali (10:00)