A Conversation between Thomas Berry and Miriam MacGillis of Genesis Farm, filmed at the Riverdale Center on May 29, 1991….Continue Reading “The Celebratory Liturgy of the Universe”
Category: Eco-theology
Aldo Leopold Foundation (14:00)
The Aldo Leopold Foundation is working with US Forest Service filmmakers Steve Dunsky, Ann Dunsky and Dave Steinke to produce the hour-long Green Fire: The Life and Legacy of Aldo Leopold. Leopold biographer and conservation biologist Dr. Curt Meine will serve as the film’s on-screen guide. Green Fire describes the formation of Leopold’s idea, exploring…Continue Reading Aldo Leopold Foundation (14:00)
What Makes Interdisciplinarity Work (18:00)
A professor discusses interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and multidisciplinarity, discussing how they function in an academic and cultural context….Continue Reading What Makes Interdisciplinarity Work (18:00)