Welcome to a New Semester on the English Department Blog!

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We’re back!  After an extended summer, the UP English Department blog is back on.  Our winning team of Contributing Editors this year includes Danielle Childs, Kevin Chung, Ana Fonseca, and Clare Munger, with Athena Lathos (pictured here) interning as Managing Editor for the Fall Semester.  Feel free to email me, Dr. Brassard, Dept. Chair, or add a comment if you would like to join the team, contribute a one-off post, and/or apply for the internship position for the Spring term.

We have the same goals for our blog this third (!) year—to share information for current majors, to introduce our department to students who might be considering UP and their families, to keep in touch with alumni, and to build community among all of these groups.  Check out our “About” page for our full mission statement. The blog editors are already brimming with ideas to continue and extend the wonderful work Dr. Hiro and previous editors have done for the past two years

Look for ongoing series such as “Capstone Spotlights,” “Fun Facts about Professors and Majors,” and a “Creative Corner” featuring short prose pieces and poetry from current majors, as well freshly updated versions of winning posts from last year, including “Spotlight on Freshmen,” “Study Abroad Dispatches,” “Reports from Graduate School,” and many others. Not to be missed as well: exclusive interviews with our visiting writers; internship and job opportunities; and links to provocative articles about English, the Humanities, and higher education.  Lastly: stay up to date on department goings-on via our calendar.  And don’t hesitate to use the comments section to let us know what you like and what else you’d like to see here!

Speaking of like: if you haven’t already, be sure to “like” us on Facebook, the best way to stay in touch and never miss a new post!

–Dr. Brassard