Finals week is just around the corner, which means English majors are swamped with (more) essays (than usual). And while this might seem daunting, a reminder: anything that you are working on right now – be it an analysis of plants in Shakespeare or psychological realism in Pamela – has the potential to be submitted…
NUCL is moving to Seattle: What You Need to Know
By Emily Nelson Founded in 2004, the Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature, aka NUCL, has been a cornerstone event for the UP English Department each year. NUCL has offered countless English majors and literature enthusiasts from undergrad programs around the region a chance to share their work, engage in critical conversations, and connect with other…
Why You Should Submit to NUCL 2017
As you finish up those last few final papers or theses, you’ve probably heard about submitting those papers to NUCL, and that the submission deadline is quickly approaching. And that’s all well and good if you know what NUCL actually is. But if you don’t, here is everything you need to know about NUCL and why…
Why You Should Go to NUCL
by Jacqueline Ott English in the undergraduate realm is filled with uncertainty. Unlike our peers in biology, engineering, business, and nursing, we have no set path after graduation. Will we go to graduate school? What are our chances of getting a corporate job? Do we even want that corporate job? Right now we’re not sure—all…
NUCL 2015
Photos by Hannah Wilkes and Hope Dorman On Saturday, March 28th, students and professors from all over the northwest (and beyond!) gathered at UP to share, listen, talk, and celebrate literature. All in all, UP’s 11th annual NUCL was a great success, and not to mention, a great day to be an English major. Take a look…
Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature: a Preview
by Ana Fonseca This coming Saturday, April 5th, UP’s English Department will host the eleventh annual Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature. For the majority of us English majors on campus, NUCL is such an integral part of our department that it’s hard to remember that this undergraduate conference is not only relatively rare, but also…
Interning for NUCL: Take the Plunge!
NUCL, the regional undergraduate conference we organize and host annually, doesn’t happen till spring (this year, April 5), but the planning begins in fall. Three interns work on the conference alongside the faculty co-chairs (Professors Weiger and Brassard, this year), taking on work such as: managing email communication and the database; updating marketing materials; working…
It’s Time for NUCL!
It’s that time of year again: the Northwest Undergraduate Conference on Literature is this Saturday, April 13th at the University of Portland. The Welcome Ceremony begins at 9:00am and sessions continue until the Closing Reception at 4:00pm. For a full list of times, locations, sessions, and panels, visit the NUCL homepage. For a further description…
NUCL Internship
It’s time to start thinking about NUCL! For those of you are unfamiliar with NUCL it is a literature conference held annually at UP that brings together more than a hundred students from universities throughout the region to share papers, poems, or essays they’ve written. UP students participate as presenters, and serve as well as…