Better Late Than Never

We’re back! keep-calm-we-re-back

After an extended summer, the UP English Department blog is back on.  This year, first-year English major Dorian Pacheco will be the managing editor and a writer for the blog, and we’ll also be assembling a group of contributing editors to write stories.  Feel free to email me—Dr. Hiro, Dept. Chair—or add a comment if you’d like to contribute something.

We have the same goals for our blog this second year—to share information for current majors, to introduce our department to students who might be considering UP and their families, to keep in touch with alumni, and to build community among all of these groups.  Check out our “About” page for our full mission statement.

Keep checking back for profiles of our visiting writers for the year, posts from students studying abroad and from alumni, internship, job, and writing opportunities, and links to articles about the state of our discipline.  Stay up to date on department goings-on via our calendar.  And let us know in the comments section what else you’d like to see here!

(If you haven’t already, make sure to “like” us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter @englishatUP)


–Dr. Hiro