The following faculty members are recipients of Collaborative for International Studies and Global Outreach (CISGO) Seed Grants for the academic year of 2013:
- Laurie McLary and Allie Hill – International Languages and Cultures
Project: “Workshop and Book Publication on Best Practices for Small Undergraduate German Programs”
Grant: $500 - Anne Santiago – Political Science
Project: “Land Leases in Uganda”
Grant: $500 - Joane Moceri, Kaye Wilson-Anderson, and Barbara Braband – Nursing
Project: “Exploring the Process of Cultural Competency Development During Overseas Study Abroad and International Nursing Immersions”
Grant: $858.
CISGO Seed Grants support faculty and students who are beginning new projects that will increase international awareness and inter-cultural competency at the University of Portland and beyond. For more information contact Kate Regan at ext. 7364 or