Training Resources
Material put together by cadet training commanders to assist in the training of cadets at Det 695.
Expeditionary Skills Training
EST Fall 2020 – Tactics: Cadets learn about basic weapon safety and fire team tactics.
EST Fall 2020 – ECP 5S’s: Cadets learn about Entry Control Points and the 5 S’s of conflict escalation.
EST Fall 2020 – TCCC: Cadets learn about Tactical Combat Casualty Care.
EST Fall 2020 – Radios: Cadets learn about proper radio communication procedures.
EST Fall 2020 – IED/UXO Procedures: Cadets learn about the C.A.G.E method and the 5 C’s of IED/UXO’s.
EST Fall 2020 – IED/UXO: (C.A.G.E. and 5 C’s) practice scenario.
EST Fall 2020 – IED/UXO: 9-Line procedures.
EST Fall 2020 – Threat Response: Cadets learn about SALUTE reports, escalation of force, and active shooter drills.
Dining In – Informative briefing on the history and customs behind Dining-In.
Award Receiving Procedures – Demonstration of the proper procedures for receiving an award.
Retreat Tutorial – Briefing on the retreat ceremony performed at the end of each duty day. Followed by a full demonstration/tutorial of the ceremony for all key positions.
Drill & FTP/IMT Resources
Fall 2020 FDE – Cadets demonstrate performing a Flight Drill Evaluation.
Fall 2020 ORI – Cadets demonstrate performing a COVID-19 safe Open Ranks Inspection.
Spring 2021 Guide Positioning – Cadets demonstrate proper Drill & Ceremony procedures for both guidon bearer/guide and element leaders in a column marching formation.
Spring 2021 Right/Left Step March – Cadets demonstrate proper Drill & Ceremony procedures for right/left step march.
Spring 2021 To the Rear March – Cadets demonstrate proper Drill & Ceremony procedures for a “To the Rear, March” command.
Spring 2021 Route Step – Cadets demonstrate proper Dill & Ceremony procedures for the “Route Step” command.
Informational Briefings & Discussions
Fall 2020 Marriage & Finance – Major Scism & Mrs. Scism discuss the realities of dealing with personal finance and marriage while on active duty.
Miscellaneous Tutorials & Tips
Spring 2021 OCP Guidance – Tips and tricks to lead you towards looking professional and sharp in OCPs.
University of Portland Air Force and Army ROTC to Host Virtual Commemoration Ceremony on Veterans Day, November 11
University of Portland Air Force and Army ROTC will hold a virtual commemoration ceremony in honor of Veterans Day on Wednesday, November 11 from 10:50 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. Log in to the Zoom link at 10:50 a.m. to watch the virtual ceremony.
The virtual ceremony will include a joint color guard presentation, final changing of the guard to mark the end of the 24-hour vigil over the Praying Hands Memorial, Invocation and Benediction, and a speaking panel of four distinguished veterans from the UP community. The panel includes:
- Martin Granum (Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), USAF)
- Bruce Jones (Captain (Retired), USCG)
- Daniel Eagle (Brigadier General (Retired), USAF)
- Doug Edwards (Colonel (Retired), USAF)
About the Praying Hands Memorial
The original memorial was built by the University’s Class of 1948 and contained bricks inscribed with the names of the 69 University of Portland students killed in service during WWII. Later the memorial was expanded to include other wars and conflicts in which American service members and University of Portland students served, including World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars. The memorial now contains the names of 80 University of Portland students who lost their lives in service to the country. For more information, please contact Drew Lindley at 503.943.8243 or
Fall Semester FAQs
- What will happen to those whose scholarships will start this semester and still need to take their oath?
- You will be activated virtually and take the oath virtually. Reach out to TSgt Taylor and TSgt Owens to schedule individual appointments in August.
- I was told that if you are a freshman, during your spring term this is when you could be offered a scholarship, is this still true?
- Yes. This is for the in college scholarship program. Spring term as a freshman is your first eligibility window. Your cumulative GPA, SAT score, fitness score (if we take it), and overall cadet performance go into that scholarship board. The biggest thing you can do is perform well in school this Fall and workout!
- Will the in college scholarship still require a certain SAT score?
- No waiver from AFROTC has been received yet. The SAT is still required for second semester freshmen to be nominated for the ICSP. It is not required for either of the sophomore boards.
- Will cadets still be given a stipend during the virtual fall semester?
- Yes
- How will PT sessions work?
- The detachment will offer at least two in person PT sessions which are voluntary. If you are not attending in person, you will need to maintain a PT log. More details will be pushed out from your cadet leadership.
- Have the times of the optional physical training sessions been determined?
- Not yet. This still a pending conversation between the cadet wing leadership and detachment cadre. Right now they are tentatively scheduled for 0630-0730 Monday and 1810-1910 on Tuesday based on previous semesters.
- For physical training will workouts be sent to students who can’t make it onto campus?
- Typically the workout is included in the week’s OPORD and sent out to the cadet wing. Your cadet leadership would be happy to help with any questions you have about PT.
- I was informed that the PFT score is a fail, regardless of performance, if you exceed BMI, is this correct?
- Yes.
- Do I need to pass my Body Mass Index (BMI) to contract?
- Cadre-obtained official BMI/BF measurements will be suspended until further notice. The height and weight indicated in Blocks 11 and 12 on the DoDMERB Form 2351 will be utilized to activate a scholarship and the 30-day time requirement is waived for scholarship activations during Fall 2020. For contracting and commissioning, the cadet may submit a Self-BMI per Attachment 2. If a BF measurement is needed, the cadet must obtain a measurement from a physician at the cadet’s expense using the attached form. If a cadet has failed any previous BMIs while enrolled in AFROTC, but passes the current BF, the most recent BF measurement may be used. The 30-day requirement for commissioning and 15-day requirement for contracting is waived during Fall 2020. For unique circumstances not covered under these guidelines, Det/CCs will work within previously established processes and coordinate individually with the Region Commander.
- If a cadet is above weight or BMI requirements then how long do they have to till they no longer qualify for the program?
- This depends. If you are a freshman (not on scholarship), you have your first year and following summer to meet the requirements (almost 12 months). If you still are not passing after that amount of time, we will likely look at removing you from the program.
- If you are a freshman on scholarship and needing to contract, you have until the end of the semester to pass and contract before you risk losing the scholarship.
- Specific situations can be addressed individually.
- Will we still be issued our uniforms this semester or will they be put on hold?
- If you plan on attending in person training, we will issue you uniforms. If you don’t plan on in person training, then receiving your uniforms will be delayed.
- Will we be required to wear them during FTP training or will we transition back to business casual for the time being?
- Wear the uniform if you plan on attending in person training and have been issued them.
- If you have not been issued uniforms, wear business casual
- Will AS100s need to get uniforms?
- We typically issue PT gear after you pass the PT test and issue other uniform items in Spring semester for numerous reasons. We do not intend to change that this year.
- Will the incoming AS100s need to invest in business casual uniforms for this fall?
- Ideally, we have our AS100s in khakis and Detachment black polo. However, given the circumstances, we don’t want to put anyone in a financial hardship and require them to purchase anything. If you are attending in person training, please wear something neat and professional (i.e. no spaghetti straps, no clothes with holes) with good shoes to practice marching in.
- How are OCPs going to be issued? If I have ABUs, do I have to return them to the Det?
- We are issuing OCPs to the rising 200s and 300s. ABUs will need to be returned to the det.
- 400s and above will not be issued OCPs at this time.
Voluntary In Person Training
- Can you please elaborate on the voluntary training that is held in person for students on campus?
- All in person training is voluntary since some people will be physically distanced from campus. For our Field Training Preparation (FTP) cadets (sophomores heading to field training the next summer), we will be focusing on any skills that we can’t teach virtually (i.e. marching, drill, expeditionary skills, etc.).
- How frequently is the in person Initial Military Training (IMT) and FTP training expected to happen?
- At least weekly! Exact times are TBD.
- Are cadre going to be present for in person training?
- Yes.
- When will cadets who are approved to be on campus be notified?
- Hopefully by 7 August. If you haven’t already, please fill out survey ASAP that C/Meister sent out.
- Will incoming AS100s have access to on campus housing?
- Yes, if you are a university student with needs to be on campus.
- For those cadets with a longer commute time (or those who live out of state) would it be more practical to move back on campus for FTP training?
- It’s up to you. We will support you as needed.
- If we do get accepted for on campus housing, will UP still provide their room and board discount or will it be a mixture of AFROTC Scholarship and out of pocket?
- If you are staying on campus, and have originally had a room and board subsidy, UP will honor it as promised. If you are NOT staying on campus, UP will not give you any compensation.
- AFROTC does not provide room and board scholarships.
- Will the dining hall be open on campus if cadets choose to go to campus?
- Yes, due to COVID, it will be a take out only / pre-packaged meals.
NCOP/In Processing
- How is the new cadet orientation going to work?
- We will be having a Virtual Open House for students and families on 19 August and a Virtual New Cadet Orientation Program on 20 August. Details will be sent out in the coming week!
- I am having difficulty accessing documents 6,7,10,12 for the NCOP paperwork even though I updated Adobe and McAfee.
- If you can’t read Adobe PDFs, please try downloading Adobe Reader. It is free. For any paperwork issues, please reach out to TSgt Taylor and TSgt Owens.
- In reference to in-processing documents, for the time being, would you recommend filling out as much of them as possible, saving questions for the designated meetings? Or should we wait until those meetings to begin completing the paperwork?
- Please wait until the meeting.
- We recently received an email asking us to sign up for a date to visit the detachment to finish additional enrollment requirements. Is this required?
- Yes, it is required that you inform us of any civil involvements and certify that process in writing.
- I would really love to be at the meeting with the 100s tomorrow but unfortunately have work. Will there be a recording link I will be able to access?
- Yes! The recording will be posted to our WordPress site:
- Are there any new updates on FT for the deferred 300s?
- No new updates yet. AFROTC is focused on finishing FT 2020 right now.
- What will happen to AS200s that need take the AFOQT this semester?
- We will have at least 1 AFOQT offered at the detachment with COVID mitigation procedures. If you are not local and cannot make it to our detachment, we will address this on a case by case basis (by looking into another detachment, testing center, or military base near you).
- Will cross town students have the same experience as UP students?
- Yes, all training is virtual.
- I contacted UP and they told me that since I am not registered for classes they are not able to give me a student email. When can I sign up for AS classes?
- Lt Jena Zander sent out an email on 5 August to cross town cadets detailing how to sign up for classes. Please reach out to her if you did not receive this email.
- For AS 101 there was an A and B option, 10-1130am or 2-330pm, do we choose a time on the registration form that works with our schedule?
- Yes.
- Are we required to wear the business casual uniform during the virtual classes and video chats from now forward?
- No, this is not a requirement.
- Do you have an idea as to how the virtual classes will be held? For example, will they be held live over something like Zoom, or will they be more along the lines of pre-recorded lectures with additional live sessions for questions and such?
- We will be having live sessions for maximum attendance and classroom participation. For any cadets who are physically distanced from campus in different time zones, it will be recorded and you can view at any time. If you cannot attend class at the specific time, please reach out to your instructor.
- Should we go to the virtual and in person trainings or will they be the same content?
- Recommend both! Virtually, we will be teaching you procedures, and it would be very beneficial to attend the voluntary in person training to practice those procedures.
- From what I have been told AFROTC consists of bi weekly PT and one Lead Lab a week, is that still true?
- AS class and LLAB are both mandatory. PT can be on your own, but requires 2 PT logs.
6 August 5PM: Inbound Cadet Recording
Password: .3MQ%6PW
AFROTC Fall 2020 Semester – Info for Incoming Cadets
Good afternoon,
My name is Col Scott Grainger, and I am the new AFROTC Detachment 695 Commander and Professor of Aerospace Studies at the University of Portland. Our detachment was recently informed that University of Portland is moving to a virtual classroom delivery for the Fall. I know a lot of hard work went into planning for opening in person, however, the situation in Oregon has dictated the University change course in order to push the safety of staff and students at the forefront of the decision.
This news is likely going to drive many questions from each of you with respect to how this impacts your future in Air Force ROTC. In order to start that conversation, we will be hosting two Zoom meetings next week on Thursday, 6 August at 9am and 5pm (Pacific Time) to have a dialog and answer those questions directly. Our overall intent is to make sure we are communicating the information you need at this time. With that in mind, we will be updating our WordPress site along with Facebook and Instagram (Links below) with updates and information as we receive it.
To access the Zoom meetings, please use the following ID and Password:
Meeting ID: 549 650 9545
Password: Det695
1. Our detachment staff will host a Virtual Open House on 19 Aug 2020 at 11am PST. This will be an opportunity to meet the cadre, introduce our program and answer any additional questions. Details about the meeting will be sent in the coming week.
2. The detachment (cadets) will be hosting a Virtual New Cadet Orientation on 20 Aug 2020. Details will be forth coming about that event.
3. For paper in-processing, our Non-commissioned officer team will be virtually hosting 5 cadets at a time to finish paperwork and answer questions during the week of 17- 21 Aug 20. Details on how to sign up for those time slots will be sent to you in the coming week. Please hold all questions about paperwork for those meetings.
Over the next semester we intend to continue to look for opportunities to offer the best possible training. We will be creative as we look for solutions to disconnects between the virtual and in-person training environment. We now have the lessons learned from a portion of a semester remote, mixed with the best practices from 145 detachments across the country. I am confident that the Cadet Wing leadership and our detachment staff are looking at all options to bring our leadership curriculum to you.
You can direct any immediate questions to our Recruiting Officer: Maj Bryan Scism,
We know there are a lot of questions on everyone’s mind, and we’ll do our best to answer each one as they come up. This isn’t exactly how I had envisioned meeting you all, but COVID has presented some unique challenges. I look forward to meeting you all and tackling those challenges together this semester.
Col Grainger