
Asterisk (*) denotes student first author. For the most up to date list, please visit my Google Scholar page. Feel free to email me if you’d like a copy of any manuscripts.


[17] Wolfand, J.M., Taniguchi-Quan, K.T., Abdi, R., Gallo, E., Irving, I., Philippus, D., Rogers, J.B., Stein, E.D., Hogue, T.S. (2022). Balancing water reuse and ecological support goals in an effluent dominated river. Journal of Hydrology X. 15. 100124.

[16] Wolfand, J.M., Bieryla, K.A., Ivler, C.M., Symons, J.E. (2022). Exploring an Engineer’s Role in Society: Service Learning in a First-Year Computing Course. IEEE Transactions on Education.

[15] Abdi, R., Rust, A., Wolfand, J.M., Taniguchi-Quan, K., Irving, K., Philippus, D., Stein, E.D., Hogue, T.S. (2022). Thermal Suitability of the Los Angeles River for Cold Water Resident and Migrating Fish Under Physical Restoration Alternatives. Frontiers in Environmental Science.


[14] Philippus, D., Wolfand, J.M., Abdi, R., Hogue, T.S. (2021). Raspy-Cal: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Automatic Calibration Tool for HEC-RAS Hydraulic Models. Water. 13(21), 3061.

[13] Abdi, R., Rogers, J.B., Rust, A., Wolfand, J.M., Philippus, D., Taniguchi-Quan, K., Irving, K., Stein, E.D., Hogue, T.S. (2021). Simulating the thermal impact of substrate temperature on ecological restoration in shallow urban rivers. Journal of Environmental Management. 289. 112560.

[12] Panos, C., Wolfand, J.M., Hogue, T.S. (2021). Assessing resilience of a dual drainage urban system to redevelopment and climate change. Journal of Hydrology. 596. 126101.

[11] Helinski, O.*, Poor, C.J., Wolfand, J.M. (2021). Ridding Our Rivers of Plastic: A Framework for Plastic Pollution Capture Device Selection. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 165. 112095.

[10] Blount, K., Wolfand J.M., Bell, C.D., Ajami, N., Hogue, T.S. (2021). Satellites to sprinklers: Assessing the role of climate and land cover change on patterns of urban outdoor water use. Water Resources Research. 


[9] Bell, C.D., Wolfand, J.M., Hogue, T.S. (2020). Regionalization of default parameters for urban stormwater quality models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-15.

[8] Panos, C., Wolfand, J.M., Hogue, T.S. (2020). SWMM Sensitivity to LID Siting and Routing Parameters: Implications for Stormwater Regulatory Compliance. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-20.

[7] Bell, C.D., Wolfand, J.M., Panos, C., Bhaskar, A., Gilliom, R., Hogue, T.S., Hopkins, K., Jefferson, A. (2020). Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis. Hydrological Processes.

[6] Luthy, R.G., Wolfand, J.M., Bradshaw, J.L. (2020). The Urban Water Revolution: Sustainable Water Futures for California Cities. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 146(7): 04020065.

[5] Boehm, A.B., Bell, C.D., Fitzgerald, N.J.M, Gallo, E, Higgins, C.P., Hogue, T.S., Luthy, R.G., Portmann, A.C., Ulrich, B.A., Wolfand, J.M. (2020). Biochar-augmented biofilters to improve pollutant removal from stormwater – can they improve receiving water quality? Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.  


[4] Wolfand, J.M., Seller, C., Bell, C.D., Cho, Y.M., Oetjen, K., Hogue, T.S., Luthy, R.G. (2019). Occurrence of urban-use pesticides and management with enhanced stormwater control measures at the watershed scale.Environmental Science & Technology. 53(7) 3634-3636.


[3] Pritchard,  J.C., Cho, Y.M., Ashoori, N., Wolfand, J.M., et al. (2018) Benzotriazole Uptake and Removal in Vegetated Biofilter Mesocosms Planted with Carex praegracilis.Water. 10(11) 1605.

[2] Wolfand, J.M., Bell, C.D., Boehm, A.B., Hogue, T.S., Luthy, R.G. (2018). Multiple Pathways to Bacterial Load Reduction by Stormwater Best Management Practices: Trade-Offs in Performance, Volume, and Treated AreaEnvironmental Science & Technology. 52(11) 6370-6379. 


[1] Wolfand, J.M., LeFevre, G.H., and Luthy, R.G. (2016). Metabolization and degradation kinetics of the urban-use pesticide fipronil by white rot fungi Trametes versicolor.Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 18(10) 1249-1362.