Vex Tread Prototypes
- Author By Fatima-Joyce
- Publication date November 18, 2014
- Categories: Design Updates, Excavator, Transport
- No Comments on Vex Tread Prototypes
By Mike Hector Update on bucketwheel: The system is nearing completion. Components which have been finalized: Buckets, Gear, Support CF, Lead Screw Placement, Lead Screw Chassis Connection. Components which need to be finished: Gearbox, Chuting. I hope to be done with the two above items by Wednesday. Then move on to Cache afterward. -Mike Hector…Continue Reading Bucket Wheel
Here are the tread prototypes with a control. These are sized to fit on a VEX system. Requesting suggestions for improvements or permission to go ahead with these prototypes. -Mike Hector…Continue Reading Tread Prototypes
“Update! Here are the first models of the motor housing and conveyor bearing bushing as assembled. They fit well, and I am confident in their load capabilities. The final prototype will use two motor housings and about twenty of the bearing bushings. ” -Mike Hector…Continue Reading Summer Update: Excavator