Demonstration: Potato Launcher

Not giving you the materials for this one!

Activity: Motion Tracking

Materials needed: Camera and a computer!

Activity 2: Floating Art

Materials Needed: Dry erase marker, glass plate, water

Welcome to the 2021-2022 STEM Year! Activity 1: Gears

Materials Needed: Lego systems if you have them, otherwise your great thinking brain!

Activity 12: Flamethrower!

We are not giving y’all the tools to make this one. If you do make one, we are in no way responsible for what happens

Activity 11: Vortices

Materials Needed: Two same- sized bottles, water, and tape!

Activity 10: Fabric Dyeing and pH

Materials needed: Fabric to dye, purple cabbage, a pot of water

Activity 9: Drawing Circuits!

Materials needed: Paper and a Pencil

Extra St. Patrick’s Day Activity!

Materials needed: Anything to model a house with (a cardboard box is a good place to start)

Activity 8: The Strength of Paper (3/1-3/14)

Materials needed: Paper, some heavy object, scissors, tape

High School Challenge: What is the tallest load supporting structure you can make out of paper? Think you could make something out of paper to attach to your shoes which will support your weight?

Activity 8: Supplemental Video- The Strength of Cardboard

Activity 7: Strawberry DNA! (2/14-2/28)

Materials needed: Water, salt, liquid dish soap, sealable plastic bag, strawberries, and rubbing alcohol!

Activity 6: Projectile Motion (2/1-2/14)

No Materials needed!

Activity 5: Shot Under Pressure (1/18 – 1/31)

Materials needed: water gun, tape measure, & excel

For more information go to:

Activity 4: Rock Candy (11/16 – 11/29)

Needed materials: sugar, water, string, a pencil, a jar/cup, parchment paper, a pot, & food coloring (optional)

Alternate Activity 4: Rock Classification (11/16 – 11/29)

Activity 3: Planet’s Chemistry (11/2 – 11/15)

Materials Needed: Drawing Supplies!

Activity 2 Creations!

Activity 2 Build a gearbox! (10/19 – 11/1)

Materials needed: whatever you want to use to make the gear box!

Optional Halloween Oobleck Lab

Materials needed: corn starch, water, & food coloring/sparkles (optional)

Activity 1 Creations!

Activity 1: Model a robot!

Materials Needed: Anything you want to model a robot!

Design and find supplies around your house to prototype a robot to solve some sort of problem. Write your name, your grade level, and a quick explanation of how your robot works and what problem it solves alongside a picture of your creation and send it to

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