Q: What should I read so that I can write a winning grant proposal?
A: Everyone wants to write the grant application that will rise to the top of the applicant pool, but because winning a grant often takes multiple attempts to the same agency, it requires persistence as well as patience as you develop your grant writing skills. Gaining competency in any new skill requires some amount of research and reading. When working with words, as in grant writing, reading and rereading will get us closer to the results we’re seeking—competence AND confidence when practicing our skill. Below are a few articles about writing a winning grant proposal, one directly from a funding agency we all know and (would) love (to get a big grant from).
How to Get a Grant from the NEH: https://www.neh.gov/humanities/2008/julyaugust/feature/how-get-grant-neh
How to Write a Successful Humanities Grant: https://granttrainingcenter.com/blog/write-successful-humanities-grant/
Writing Successful Grant Proposals: https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2017/08/07/advice-how-write-grant-proposals-essay
Keep in mind that just as every funder is different, so is every grant-writing experience. As the breadth of your grant-writing experience builds, so will those two adjectives mentioned above: competence and confidence.
Happy reading & writing,
Annie & Ösel
UP Development
Grants Office Team
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