Tag: global sociology
Globalization’s Effect on Labor Organizing: Jaclyn Sisto
Why The World Will Never Forget 9/11

By: Joanna Monaco
I chose to examine how 9/11 has changed the world as a whole. I decided to focus on 2 of the biggest changes it has brought to the world: increases in national and global security and advances in wartime weapons. Although 9/11 was a terrorist attack on the United States, the resulting war on terror has changed the world. 9/11 cannot be seen only as a national problem, because it has resulted in changes that are much bigger than our nation. Looking at 9/11 through a global perspective 13 years later, one can see what a hugely significant day it was in our world and how it continues to tint our outlook as well as how we go about solving global problems.
Global Resistance in Solidarity with Ferguson
By: Jaclyn Sisto
Follow this link to see an interactive map of the global resistances and protests that followed the events that happened in Ferguson.
The protests in Ferguson following the shooting of 18 year old Michael Brown have sparked nationwide conversations about police brutality and race issues. These conversations have spread with the help of social media to different parts of the world. The reactions differ, but here are some of the best.
(Taken at a solidarity march and rally in Houston, Texas)
(Taken during a solidarity rally in Boston, Massachusetts)
(Exiled Tibetan monks travel from India to Ferguson in an act of solidarity)
(Taken at the Champions League match; Arsenal v Besiktas)
(Taken outside the US Embassy in London, England)
Issues of race, class, and inequality permeate through global society. They are issues that many people can relate to personally. The bravery of the people protesting in Ferguson are making it possible for other marginalized groups to stand up and speak in both solidarity for the people in Ferguson and also to advocate for their own issues.