The Internation Monetary Fund (IMF): Trapping Nations in Debt

IMF- Trapping Nations in Debt (1)

The infographic presented above engages Cardoso’s explanation of underdevelopment and the information about the International Monerary Fund (IMF) presented by Vreeland. Cardoso really focuses on underdevelopment as the byproduct of imperialism in which conquering nations were able to receive a longer advantage over nations conquered by imposing regulations of unfair trade and systematic eexploitation Vreeland provides an overall explanation of the IMF that details the way in which the international loaning organization delegates the funds that are loaned out.

Using the information from both readings, I explore the consequences of utilizing debt to develop. Many of the points listed as consequences were illustrated in the movie, Life and Debt. However, in the interest of brevity, this infographic seeks only to introduce the consequences of developing through debt. In this way this infographic is a tool for individuals to 1) apply to any country that utilize IMF funds, and 2)encourage deeper analysis into the effects the IMF has.



Dependency and Development in Latin America (By: Fernando H. Cardoso). (2008). In J. Roberts & A. Hite (Eds.), The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change (2nd ed.). Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) [By: James Vreeland]. (2012). In F. Lechner & J. Boli (Eds.), The Globalization Reader (4th ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Marx’s Theory & Media Studies

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By: Danielle Villanueva



As a business major, I wanted to take a closer look into automated systems and how it is affected by  globalization. My research concluded Marx’s Theory on alienated workers still holds true to our society. We may have better labor regulations, but company’s may not have to worry too much about the employees benefits once they trade in  human labor for automated services.

Automation has been conducive way for businesses to trade information and organize their data. We have all benefited from technology in one way or another, but there is a downside to this technology boom.

Click on the caption for an overview into what Marx’s theory is, Media studies as defined by business automation, and some statistics they may surprise you about the job market!


A First World and Third World Gap

By: Christine Nguyen

For the full infographic, click here.
The idea that Third World countries could reach the potential of economic wealth and development as First World countries do is failing because of the different social, political, and initial economic positions countries are in. The underlying reasons for the failure of the development project is reiterated with the Third World countries dependence on the trade market, specifically Vietnam in my infographic, the power of the global elite, the value of time and the ability to innovate quickly and efficiently, the misconception of power parity purchasing, and the different country regulations. It is difficult for countries like Vietnam to reach the standard of US living and create new production and advance in technology because the wealth in their country is at a different position, where business growth and economic growth is heavily influenced by social factors and even geographically. Vietnam’s depends on the trade between the US and other major countries in order to make profit and economic growth which reflect a difficulty of moving up in the world. In some aspects, it seems that the economy is egocentric, with having First World countries in the center controlling other countries that do not have the same power and privilege.SOC391

Some reasons as to why the wealth gap exist between the US and Vietnam is the different dependence on trade markets.

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Here is a breakdown of rates of exports of goods and services and imports of goods and service quantified in terms of percent of GDP.

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The time for innovation dictates the ability for the US to improve their economy versus third world countries like Vietnam.

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A breakdown of government regulations for the US and Vietnam are evaluated showing that the US has more economic freedom than Vietnam.

Children in Education

Education is a universal symbol of power. Through learning, one is told that one can achieve anything. Through education, skill, and interests, people are placed into careers, which provide means for their livelihood. Children dream of their careers from an early age, but societal pressures alter these dreams. In this presentation, data was collected from three groups of students. First, a Portland public 3rd grade class, second an after school program for minorities, and lastly, college educated students. All students were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, and the young students even drew a picture. No matter the background, children have similar educational aspirations, but through the process of education, these aspirations change.



Check 1, Check 2

Good day, world!

In the coming months, the students of SOC 333 at the University of Portland are gonna be coming up with some fantastic projects!

We’ll be using this website to publish our process in studying particular forms of social inequality. More importantly, you’ll get to see how everyday people are resisting inequality in creative and inspiring ways!

For example, below you’ll see a mass mobilization of tens of thousands of Filipinos marching on the street on the day that the current Philippine President Noynoy Aquino delivered his State of the Nation address. Artist-activists spend weeks building, sculpting and painting this 50-foot effigy and by burning their art work they are displaying the fire of the Filipino people for genuine change.

Noy on fire

Stay tuned to this website, you WILL learn something!