Category: Uncategorized
Ebola Outbreak – Destinee Salaiz
Video for Ebola Outbreak
Sanna Mustonen – Technology, Internet and Social Media
The rise of internet and the use of social media is reshaping our lives and makes the world flat where we can “innovate without having to emigrate” (Friedman,2005) This is happening through the mode of development which is discussed in Castells “The Informational Mode of Development and the Restructuring of Capitalism”, where the mode of development is the interacting system of technology and organizational processes that underlies economic growth and social change. With my info graphic and this project I would like to argue that through the technology that we have access to, and the use of social media it’s brings many benefits which promotes economic growth and social change in the way we interact and view the world because it allows us to share and value ideas/attitudes and opinions in a new form. However, it also sets a barrier to the poor, the elderly and it creates a loss of privacy and huge downside of this mode of development is that allows every person on this earth who has access to social media/internet/smartphone to create a network, and that person might be a terrorist or a criminal.
Here is a link to the video describing my info graphic and below is the actual info graph:
Video: Movie on 10-21-14 at 1.00
Women In Parliamentary Governments
This link brings you to my info-graphic on piktochart so you can hover over each country and see what percentage they require. I would recommend that link because they jpeg is a little difficult to see.
ISIS: Reviving Women Slavery on Religious Grounds
Danielle Villanueva
For this assignment, I referenced Eisenstein’s ideas on Islamophobia and feminism and it’s affects on the global war on terror. Many concepts of the global war on terror can relate to today’s US involvement in Syria.
Islamophobia is the fear and hatred of Islam, Muslims, and their culture. Westerners who have Islamophobia tend to believe that those in the Islamic culture have violent tendencies. This idea came about in the wake of September 11th and can be used to analyze ISIS. Although it is important for the media to broadcast their oppressive nature they are instituting within Islamic culture, it is also important to note that these radical Muslims are becoming the poster child for the Islamic culture as a whole.
Next, I focused on Eisenstein’s idea as Feminism as a Constitute. Mainstream feminism is heightening Islamophobia. The media has perceived Islamic societies as extremely oppressive towards their women; and although ISIS is extremely unjust towards women, that does not entail that the culture as a whole think similarly. The Bush administration centered on saving Afghani women from the Taliban. We are now focusing on how to save Afghani women from ISIS. Is this a suitable approach to justifying the war on terror?
These ideas sparked my interest and helped me narrow my opinion on the global war on terror. I’m hoping from this each one teach one, you can conclude your own opinion.
Women in Nigerian Economy – Maddie Lobdell
Feminism in Saudi Arabia
Bryeana Fajota – Women in the Workforce
Ebola and its Impact on the World
(2014, September 23). Retrieved October 14, 2014.
Believe It Or Not, Cuba Is Providing The Most Aid For Ebola Of Any Country. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2014, from
Ebola Facts: When Did Ebola Arrive and Spread at a Dallas Hospital? (2014, July 30). Retrieved October 20, 2014, from
Full infographic here:
Video here
-Christine Nguyen