Road to Equality



By: Danielle Villanueva 

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For my Each One, Teach One I decided to take a twist on the section on gender equality, and compare it to equal rights movements. My over arching question with this project is


Underdeveloped countries that have been able to stabilize and globalize by taking initiative for their own economy all while assimilating to what developed nations want. Take for example the Philippines – the product of their success can be attributed to the creation of OFWs and complying to the employment needs of other nations. I might correlate their assimilation to the openness and small successes of equal right movement.

Then, let’s take Russia who would rather not get with the globalization movement. They currently have a president that has positioned himself and taken initiative to ensure any pro-gay movements are banned.

As Friedman suspected, the world is flattening. All mediums of media have been used to create awareness of the injustice that is anti-gay. I wanted to use my final each one teach one, as a form of an idea sparker. Under-developed nations have tweaked their equal rights position on women to comply with developed nation ideals. In the years to come, will this be the same reaction for gay equality?  

ISIS: Reviving Women Slavery on Religious Grounds

Danielle Villanueva

For this assignment, I referenced Eisenstein’s ideas on Islamophobia and feminism and it’s affects on the global war on terror.  Many concepts of the global war on terror can relate to today’s US involvement in Syria.

Islamophobia is the fear and hatred of Islam, Muslims, and their culture. Westerners who have Islamophobia tend to believe that those in the Islamic culture have violent tendencies. This idea came about in the wake of September 11th and can be used to analyze ISIS. Although it is important for the media to broadcast their oppressive nature they are instituting within Islamic culture, it is also important to note that these radical Muslims are becoming the poster child for the Islamic culture as a whole.

Next, I focused on Eisenstein’s idea as Feminism as a Constitute. Mainstream feminism is heightening Islamophobia. The media has perceived Islamic societies as extremely oppressive towards their women; and although ISIS is extremely unjust towards women, that does not entail that the culture as a whole think similarly. The Bush administration centered on saving Afghani women from the Taliban. We are now focusing on how to save Afghani women from ISIS. Is this a suitable approach to justifying the war on terror?

These ideas sparked my interest and helped me narrow my opinion on the global war on terror. I’m hoping from this each one teach one, you can conclude your own opinion.





Marx’s Theory & Media Studies

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By: Danielle Villanueva



As a business major, I wanted to take a closer look into automated systems and how it is affected by  globalization. My research concluded Marx’s Theory on alienated workers still holds true to our society. We may have better labor regulations, but company’s may not have to worry too much about the employees benefits once they trade in  human labor for automated services.

Automation has been conducive way for businesses to trade information and organize their data. We have all benefited from technology in one way or another, but there is a downside to this technology boom.

Click on the caption for an overview into what Marx’s theory is, Media studies as defined by business automation, and some statistics they may surprise you about the job market!