Author: Johanna
TOMS: Just a Band-Aid Fix
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Joey Monaco
Works Cited/Sources:
Ethical Fashion
Our Bad, Now We Have To Fix It
By: Johanna Lopez
This picture collage is suppose to represent the overarching issues that have caused refugee migration to increase along the Southern U.S. border. The main issues range from economic to social and psychological, and we can trace that back to globalization. The effect and desires of countries to reach the standards of the power players like the United States, have resulted in an unavoidable humanitarian crisis that is not being addressed properly. Resulting in broken systems, family units, and most importantly, individuals. Had globalization not crossed paths with Mexico, Central, and South America, as well as other countries around the world, the story would be a much different one.
Why The World Will Never Forget 9/11

By: Joanna Monaco
I chose to examine how 9/11 has changed the world as a whole. I decided to focus on 2 of the biggest changes it has brought to the world: increases in national and global security and advances in wartime weapons. Although 9/11 was a terrorist attack on the United States, the resulting war on terror has changed the world. 9/11 cannot be seen only as a national problem, because it has resulted in changes that are much bigger than our nation. Looking at 9/11 through a global perspective 13 years later, one can see what a hugely significant day it was in our world and how it continues to tint our outlook as well as how we go about solving global problems.