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The Informational Mode of Development and the Restructuring of Capitalism (By: Manuel Castells). (1989). In J. Roberts & A. Hite (Eds.), The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change (2nd ed.). Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.
It’s a Flat World, After All (By: Thomas L. Friedman). (2005). In J. Roberts & A. Hite (Eds.), The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change (2nd ed.). Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.
The International Division of Labor in the World Economy (By: Folker Frobel, Jurgen Heinrichs, and Otto Kreye ). (1980). In J. Roberts & A. Hite (Eds.), The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change (2nd ed.). Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.