Vreeland, James, The International Monetary Fund
This is a great infographic that makes a difficult concept like the IMF much easier to understand! I think it does a really good job at balancing between visuals and information. It looks super professional. If at some point you wanted to take it a step further, you could even make an infographic focusing on the interactions between the IMF and one specific country such as Portugal or Greece and discuss the money that has been lent to that country as well as the negative (or positive) effects that this type of lending has created for that country.
I like how this infographic is so relevant to what we’re talking about in class. You really succinctly broke down the most important points and problems relating to the IMF. The infographic is very nice and easy to read which is always good. However, unless I’m missing something, one major problem is the lack of citations. You need to include these to add legitimacy to your report. Additionally, your infographic is a little broad, maybe try and go a little more in depth or provide a specific examples next time. Good job though!
I think it’s interesting how the goals of the IMF have seemingly shifted. I suppose that this speaks to the world shifting in the way things work. Institutions like the IMF often have difficulty predicting how things will play out years into the future. It would obviously be difficult in 1944 to predict how the 1980s would play out so I like that this contrast is mentioned immediately. Information is presented clearly elsewhere as well so good work. Obviously, people have had the IMF on the brain lately and, while this is not altogether comprehensive, it is, together with others posted here, a useful piece to a bigger puzzle.
I found your infographic easy to read and presented the main points well. I think it’s interesting to look at the effect the IMF or any global institutions have on globalization and smaller countries. As you had mentioned, the IMF policies dictate how the countries that borrow from them must use the money, typically in a fashion that can benefit short term but not necessarily long term. Also the failure to stabalize the economy is a factor from the IMF’s demands and institutions they place on the borrowing countries, as we saw from the documentary of “Life and Debt”. I would have liked to see maybe more analysis such as weighing out more pros and cons but overall I still thought you did a good job with the main points learned from class.